This is a real Northern favourite of mine. I had planned to do it in the final of MasterChef but i was shit out of luck and didnt make it ha!!
I especially like it with pork but simialrly i love it leftover with cold mashed potatoes, kind of like my own little bubble and squeek! Seriously this is fantastic! Its like a soft sweet stuffed dumpling with a crisp top! A must for any pork lover!! If your a veggie use veggie suet.
Serves 2
100g self raising flour
50g suet
2 leeks
a good knob of butter
a glug of double cream, about 50-100mls
30g of strong cheddar cheese
1tsp of your favourite mustard,
Salt and pepper
Pre heat oven to gas mark 5 (190)
Make the suet up by mixing the flour some salt and pepper and the shredded suet and binding the mixture with a little water until its slightly sticky and comes together in a ball.
Clean the leeks, thinly slice them and sweat them in a large pan with a little olive oil and the butter. Put a lid on the pan.
Stir in the cream, cheese and mustard, check for seasoning, if it needs more pepper go for it.
Roll the suet out on a floured surface to no more than 2cm thick,
Line 1 large or 2 individual pudding basins with the suet (don’t forget to lightly grease the pudding basins and don’t forget to leave some suet for the lid)
Fill the suet lined pudding basin with the leeks mixture. Wet the edges of the suet and place the lid.
Bake in the oven for 25 minutes for individual puddings or 40 minutes for a large pudding. The top should be crisp and bubbling on the edges.
Turn out the puddings, they always come out clean as the suet is very thick and the basin will have been greased.
Enjoy with pork and mash YUM!
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